Morteza's HomePage
Welcome to my page!
My name is Morteza. Professionally I am a computational scientist. I have a lot of experience in software development for numerical studies including CFD and FEM. I have always been driven by a strong desire to innovate and solve problems. I am most in my element when using my impeccable knowledge of science and engineering fields along with the power of computer simulations to fast track research & development of new products & services. If you got this far and would like to know more about my work you can check out the Professional tab above.
Outside of work I try to maintain a very active lifestyle. I have been doing CrossFit for the past few years, and when the season allows I like to go on hikes in remote places with my dog Marmaduke. I also like to make functional crafts out of different materials. Lately, I have been using concrete a lot. You can check out some of the stuff I made under the Interests tab above.